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opera masterclass Vienna
Eva Lindqvist

Voice training / Vocal coach for opera and concert singers

Every professional singer needs a very individual setting, whether in the vocal technique area, in the recovery work after a singing crisis, or in terms of repertoire work or in the area of mental training.

Eva Lindqvist offers holistic support for the very wide range of needs of professional singers:

„Some singers want to take their singing technique, musical expression and stage presence to a higher level“ Eva Lindqvist

voice training of classical singers in Eva Lindqvist´s studio


result of Eva Lindqvist´s vocal coaching

Others want to dedicate themselves to intensive role work that addresses new vocal and acting challenges.

experimental role work

A Fach-change (change of subject area) also needs to be thought through carefully, and worked out and prepared well through individual voice training

Fach-change from baritone to tenor

Working with international singing and opera stars (voice training / coaching) is a particular challenge due to the enormous pressure from outside.

Eva Lindqvist coaches opera stars

Opera Masterclasses such as my work with Russian singers in Vienna and Moscow, which were documented on film, can be an incredible kick for young artists.

opera masterclass Vienna Eva Lindqvist

Sometimes professional singers, after years of successful careers, reach a point of vocal and physical exhaustion, which manifests itself in a generalized vocal crisis. Eva Lindqvist offers immediate help and support.

There can be various reasons for this:

  • Being overwhelmed by a constant “need to perform”
  • Vocal-chord fatigue due to returning to work too early after an illness
  • Small vocal imbalances that add up to a vocal crisis

Article: “Dysodia disorders of the singing voice”


Jeffrey Treganza

(Volksoper Vienna)

Anne Gerbert

(Soloist and teacher with the Wiener Sängerknaben)

„Eva has accompanied me and my voice for 10 years, guiding my vocal development through the beginning of my career as well as two pregnancies.
Through her I have learned to combine voice, breath, and body into a single whole, which allows me to sing for many hours a day without vocal fatigue.

I value the continuity and solution oriented approach to her work, which always provides me with new ideas for further development and the realization of my full vocal potential.“

Katrin Bernhardt

(concert singer)

Kira Petry

(vocal soloist, Germany)

I was lucky to meet Eva at a time when I had reached a dead end concerning my singing. Working with her was very special in the sense that she discovered the actual cause of my vocal imbalance, which was a hidden trauma. This was very crucial for me.

Her way of working is : empathetic (looking at the deeper levels), yet technically sound, targeted, focused, uncompromising regarding quality; and she is, patient, responsible, careful and very professional. So, working with her successfully led me out of these depths. I associate this with her unique method and her expertise, which brought about a „reset“, both on a vocal and on a mental level.
Old obstructive programs that like to creep in and manifest over a certain period of time can be deleted again, with her help. Even though in effect, I was already an experienced singer, I had to learn to sing again, but I found I could build on the foundation of all I had learned in the past. That really impressed me and made me happy that I got it back.

Eva gives you lots of tools to be able to change, very simple and pragmatic. I can now rely on a wide repertoire of vocal abilities. The musician inside me is incredibliy happy and excited about that!“


Young singers need patient, consistent vocal management and guidance. Often, especially in a university context, there is a lack of time and resources to devote to the development of an individual young singer’s whole personality.

I offer young singing talents the opportunity to learn a perfect classical singing technique according to the bel canto principle within the framework of a three-year training programme.

for young talents / three-year training programme

In her Vocal & Operastudio Vienna opera singer Eva Lindqvist offers the opportunity to gain a solid foundation for the classical singing profession (opera / concert). The base of this process is consistent work on vocal technique, tailored to the individual needs of the singers in the field of opera, operetta or classical concert singing, and intensive repertoire work as well as continuous emphasis on growth into a „mature singer personality“

It all starts with a precise voice analysis, as a result of which, breathing and singing technique, interpretation and performance will be improved.

Starting in summer 2024, young, talented singers will have the opportunity to learn a profound classical vocal technique at the Lindqvist vocal studio, as part of a three-year programme.

» Read more:


Of course, individual sessions can also be booked.


Christina Alexandridis about Eva Lindqvist´s mental training

(Director of Drama & Chief Dramaturge Tiroler Landestheater Innsbruck)

„During the pandemic, the importance of mental strength for artists became clear. That is why we invited Eva Lindqvist to provide mental-training to actors and singers on-site.
The reaction of the ensemble was overwhelming. Thanks to her knowledge and skills, Mrs. Lindqvist succeeded in providing artists with tools to better address their individual issues, even in a short time.
Even after Mrs. Lindqvist left, her methods continue to have an effect.
It would be great if many other colleagues could also have this opportunity“ (Innsbruck, July 2023)

Working with members of an opera or theatre ensemble is very exciting because I not only coach individuals, but also get to meet a group of artists and their very special dynamic.


Mental-training for the stage with Eva Lindqvist

Every artist has very personal themes, experiences and individual emphases that need to be explored, sensed and worked on.

Various methods, such-as visualization, dream journeys, externalization, finding the individual „blockers“ and obstacles, creating positive affirmations, and the use of attentiveness training and stress management can increase mental resilience, improve performance quality and help us to establish a deep connection to the audience and to ourselves.
All of this contributes decisively to success

Audition-training with Eva Lindqvist

Eva Lindqvist offers one-to-one mental training sessions as well as information and trainings for opera house and theatre ensembles on-site.


Working with members of an opera or theatre ensemble is very exciting because I not only coach individuals, but get to meet a group of artists and their very special dynamic.

Voices on working with Eva Lindqvist

Valentin Vatev

Valentin Vatev / opera singer

Tom Hospes

Tom Hospes / actor

Malin Hartelius

Malin Hartelius / opera star


Oles Paritsky / opera singer

Magdalena R.

Magdalena about mental-training with Eva

Andrea Olson

Andrea Olsen / student

Kira Petry

(concert singer)

„….Eva Lindqvist offers a unique method and, thanks to her competence, is able to achieve a reset on a mental level. Old, obstructive programs that have manifested can be deleted with her help“

Susanne Langbein

(opera singer)

„I’ve worked with Mrs. Eva Lindqvist several times. After each session, I went home relieved, confident and with useful mental training techniques in my backpack.
Eva Lindqvist uses all four elements:
EARTH: Your confidence in life will be strengthened and you will find solid ground under your feet again.
AIR: She strengthens and encourages you with suggestions and inspiration for enabling your creativity to grow and develop a new.
WATER: You feel safe and in good hands, letting yourself sink fully into your emotions.
FIRE: If you want to change something in life, Eva Lindqvist gives you the necessary energy boosts to enable transformation.“

Sara Nunius


„….to successfully follow the path of the acting profession we have to be able to recognize emerging obstacles, evaluate them and put them into perspective. We need mentors who are familiar with the complex processes in the field of acting.
….for us actors it makes sense, and sometimes it is necessary, to be able to have access to personal support and to mental training methods and techniques.“



„Dear Mrs. Lindqvist,
Thank you for your commitment and valuable help in difficult times. At a turning point in my professional career, you helped me to regain my self-confidence and my trust in my personal power and strengths. Thank you very much!
In addition, it was always a pleasure to work with you.
Best wishes from Tyrol.“


It is wonderful to supervise, train, strengthen, and coach singers from all parts of the world and to help them to perfect their repertoire work.

During the past few years, especially since 2020, when cultural life suffered greatly due to the pandemic, part of my work began to focus on training the mental strengths of singers, actors and professional musicians to whom I can provide customized mental training and mind-conditioning tools that they can apply in their demanding work. That way, they can learn to regain their resources and to use them in their careers.


» Individually adapted vocal coaching for professional singers

» Professional voice training for young singers / 3-year-training 

The Vienna Voice & Opera Studio and opera singer Eva Lindqvist offer master classes and studio work that help singers build up a sound basis for working as a classical singer (opera singer, concert singer). Sound work on vocal technique, which focuses on the singer’s individual needs for opera, operetta or classical concert singing, repertoire work, and continuous advancement of growth into a „mature singer personality“ form the basis of this process. As a first step, a precise voice analysis is performed and afterwards, we work together on breathing and vocal technique, interpretation and performance, improving one after the other.

» Preparation for opera auditions / entrance exams / international singing competitions

Professional preparation for singing auditions / entrance exams. Activities focus on preparing the audition repertoire and giving suggestions for improving vocal technique.
Preparation for international singing competitions.
» Requests and registration at:


» Audition training / Coaching

Do you have an audition for a singing agency, an opera house or are you perhaps looking to perfect your voice and improve your overall performance? Then Eva Lindqvist´s and her Vienna Voice & Opera Studio is exactly where you should be! During a short intensive course, you will practice your performance in front of an audience and in the setting of a real audition, bring your vocal technique to perfection and learn effective methods for dealing with and handling stress during auditions.
» Register at:


» Remedies for impairments of the singing voice (dysodia/dysphonia)

Loss of the singing voice over a longer period of time is fatal for any professional singer and can be due to many reasons.
Eva Lindqvist will analyse your singing voice and compiles a specific vocal training programme for you. The goal is to remedy the impairment of the singing voice (dysodia/dysphonia), to reverse voice loss and to bring the vocal system back to top form to be able to fulfil the requirements of stage professions.

Download the article „Remedies for impairments of the singing voice“ in PDF format onto your device here.

» Requests and registration at:


» Recording supervision for demo tapes (video and audio)

Professionally supervised film or sound studio recordings save you a lot of time, energy, and money. After all, the aim of a demo tape is to convince international agencies and production companies. The professional, technical preparation of your singing voice is also an integral part of the perfect „packaging“ of yourself as a singer. Start your singing career with a „solid“ recording in a studio or in Eva Lindqvist´s in-house recording studio.
You can view some of the demo recordings made under the recording supervision of Eva Lindqvist here.

Oles Paritsky, „Kuda, kuda“











Martin Eysanck, Papageno

» Career coaching for singers

At the end of their training, young singers, ( in the field of opera, operetta or concert singing) in particular, are often confronted with the question of how to embark on a professional singing career and how to become known in, what is for them the uncharted territory of „the music business“. In order to get closer to their goal of performing in international opera and concert productions, an incredible amount of time (and money) has to be invested in the beginning of their career. Quite often, it quickly turns out that these activities (and the efforts the young singers have put into them) are completely useless for their professional advancement. Eva Lindqvist taps into her experience with agencies, opera houses, conductors and directors acquired during her time as an active opera singer, and uses it to create an individual „travel itinerary“ geared towards embarking on a singing career.
Career coaching for singers in the Lindqvist Vocal Studio offers singers the opportunity to gain access to a custom-made „pathway“ through the music business jungle. The coaching covers all the services, relevant for this purpose, including voice analysis, analysis of overall vocal performance, video coaching, audition training and film and sound studio recordings for demo tapes.


» Voice analysis – analysis of the vocal capabilities

» Personality analysis – analysis of the singer´s appearance and presence during an audition

» Market knowledge – targeted counselling in the subject and on roles which should be offered

Personal coaching – drafting a „game plan“ for auditions:

» Agencies – which agencies should be contacted? (Not every agency is suitable for every singer…)

» Auditions – which audition offers should be accepted? (singers often drive to an audition for a role that doesn’t fit their profile at all, just because it was suggested by the agency …)

» Professional engagements – what legal advice is available (for contracts, etc.)

» Career coaching – „Audition training“ in a sheltered setting (including video and sound recordings, which a precise follow-up analysis.

» Requests and registration at:


» Studio concerts and video teaching

Training in the vocal master classes and general voice training are enhanced by numerous studio concerts, where skills acquired during vocal training can be put into practice right away. The auditions and concerts are taped and analysed together (demo tape, video). Thus, the singers gradually get closer to their goal of an „optimal performance“ in their singing career.

» Requests and registration at:


Voice analysis (available online as well)

Online voice analysis:
Contact Eva Lindqvist at eva.lindqvist@web.de,
Send your sound recording by email. Within two weeks you will receive a detailed analysis of your singing voice, specific suggestions for vocal exercises for your vocal training and your vocal performance, as well as a specific training programme.

What you get:
» detailed analysis of the singing voice
» identification of vocal technique issues, which can be improved
» suggestions for improving interpretation techniques (stylistic and musical)
» suggested vocal exercises to support vocal and technical improvement; compilation of a training programme.

Your investment: 250 Euros

» Mental training / Mind conditioning for stage artists

» Individual coaching sessions in Vienna or online

can be booked by contacting


» Mental Training for ensembles at theatres and opera houses

Keynote speech: Duration approx. 30 minutes

– What does „mental training for stage professions“ mean?

– new perspectives for stage artists

– What techniques do I use?

Detailed lecture: Duration approx. 75 minutes

– Presentation of the techniques used in mental training (visualization, externalization, finding the „blockers“, using dream journeys, and positive affirmations, mindfulness training, and stress management techniques), in theory and practice.

Individual work with the ensemble members:

„Working individually with the artists of an ensemble is very efficient, as the artists can open up in a protected setting. This allows for very thematic and goal-oriented work“
Eva Lindqvist

» Further information can be found at:



„There must be a hitherto-unknown species of „bug“that is fuelled by music and causes peculiar reactions in people.

In my case, I probably caught the music bug at a very young age, when – as a toddler – I loudly dirstubed the theatre performances of my parents.

Since then, a strange obsession with music has taken many different forms in my life: that of a young student who was accepted at the University of Music in Vienna at the age of 15; later on, having the honour of being offered and taking up a teaching position at the same university; as a student of singing in Vienna, Stockholm and Tel Aviv; as an opera singer who had a lot of fun „seducing“ Wagner´s giants in the role of Freia, or javelin-throwing as Brünnhilde in Wagner´s Götterdämmerung. It was always about music.

Fortunately, I´m also a carrier of this particular „disease“. I am passionate about teaching, helping performing artists and instrumentalists to realise their potential through mental training. I have also written a book about happiness in music.

And I fear that the disease caused by the music bug is absolutely incurable..“

Eva Lindqvist

Eva Lindqvist in the role of Brünnhilde (Götterdämmerung, Richard Wagner)

„Eva Silberbauers (kultiviert intonierende und im Schlussgesang steigerungsfähige) Brünnhilde als schwarzgleißende Motorradbraut …“

Frankfurter Rundschau

Richard Wagner, Götterdämmerung / 1st act

„… beim Speereid, vor allem aber im Schlussgesang wächst sie im sportlichen schwarzen Hosenanzug über sich hinaus: hier zeigt sie Stimme, Profil und Charakter und gibt ihrm reinen, wohllautenden Gesang Wärme, Leichtigkeit und einen Anflug jeder Unsterblichkeit, die jetzt ihr Teil sein wird.“

Der Landbote

„Eva Silberbauers Brünnhilde besitzt zwar nicht das manchmal doch nicht ganz verzichtbare hochdramatische Format, dafür gibt sie der Figur viel bewegende Menschlichkeit, eine anrührende Gegenwärtigkeit. Sie singt Wagner mit viel Kantabilität und feinem Expressivo.“

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Richard Wagner, Götterdämmerung / 2nd act

„Die im Vorprogramm noch als Überraschung verheißene Brünnhilde heißt Eva Silberbauer-schlank, rank und technisch so versiert, um geringeres Volumen durch umso größere Deutlichkeit wettzumachen.“

Salzburger Nachrichten

„Brünnhilde, dargestellt von Eva Silberbauer, die liebende, leidende Frau. Dass sie auch stimmlich zur Hochform auflaufen kann, beweist sie im letzten Aufzug. Im gigantischen Schlussgessang der Brünnhilde strahlte ihr ausdrucksvoller Sopran.“

Wörgler und Kufsteiner Rundschau

Richard Wagner, Götterdämmerung, 3rd act

„Während Siegfried als etwas trotziger Altrocker agiert, überzeugt die Überraschungs-Brünnhilde Eva Silberbauer durch sportlich-jugendliche Erscheinung und differenziertes Spiel, das die psychische Reifung des Götterkindes zur Menschenfrau glaubhaft macht.“

Das Opernglas

Franz Schubert, Der Tod und das Mädchen, Vienna 2023, accompanied by Michaela Unger, piano

Eva Lindqvist / Freia, Rheingold / Badisches Staatstheater Karlsruhe

Eva Lindqvist

(opera singer and vocal technician)

Eva Lindqvist initially studied piano (performance and pedagogy) at the Vienna University of Music, graduated with a „magister artium“ (masters of arts) and shortly thereafter, obtained a teaching assignment at the department for keyboard instruments of the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna before starting a career as an opera singer.
Vocal education in opera singing:
Lindqvist received her vocal education in Vienna, Stockholm and Tel Aviv, from her mother, Ava Lindqvist, KS Hilde Zadek, Torsten Föllinger, and Tamar Rachum. An intensive collaboration with David Jones in New York provided insights into the „Swedish-Italian method“.
Operas, concerts and productions:
Lindqvist performed in operas, concerts and productions all over Europe and in Israel. During her studies in Israel, she sang the part of „Elektra“ in Mozart´s „Idomeneo“ as well as in Strauss´s „Elektra“. In Staatstheater Karlsruhe, Germany, she played the role of Freia in Wagner’s „Rheingold“, and sang the part of Brünnhilde in „Götterdämmerung“, under Maestro Gustav Kuhn.
Her repertoire predominantly focuses on Wagner roles, including: Freia („Rheingold“), Elisabeth („Tannhäuser“), Sieglinde („Walküre“), Ortrud („Lohengrin“) and Brünnhilde („Götterdämmerung“) as well as works by Alban Berg (Marie from „Wozzeck“), Puccini („Turandot“) and Richard Strauss; Strauss’s Ariadne („Ariadne auf Naxos“), Elektra and Chrysothemis („Elektra“) as well as Salome are some of her standards.
Training of young singers / supporting and assisting established singers:
Another field of activity, Eva Lindqvist has entered with great passion and commitment after a serious illness made continuing her active career as opera singer impossible, is the instruction of young singers in the field of opera, operetta and classical concert singing. Young people who want to embark on a stage career, or established singers who find themselves in a „vocal crisis“ due to incorrect technique or illness, and, who want to prepare for a new role or would like to put the finishing touches on their vocal technique, will find advice, help and intensive training opportunities in her Vienna vocal studio.
For several years now, Eva Lindqvist has been teaching mental training methods tailored to stage professions in her Viennese studio and at opera houses and theatres, enabling artists to reach their full potential
Happiness in music:
Eva Lindqvist’s first book („Orpheus oder die Suche nach dem Glück in der Musik“), which translates as „Orpheus, or the Search for Happiness in Music“ and was published in 2007, takes the reader on a journey which leads through the various scopes of involvement with music and operas.



interview Eva Lindqvist by Barbara Rett



Imprint & Privacy Policy


© 2024

Eva Lindqvist – Vocal & Operastudio

Gesangsstudio Lindqvist e.U.

Sommergasse 4/13

1190 Vienna


Inhaberin: Mag. Eva Lindqvist

Firmenbuchnummer: FN 304530 p

Visual concept: Alexander Rendi, rendi.at

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Eva Lindqvist – Vocal & Opera Studio

Singing studio Lindqvist e.U.
Sommergasse 4/13
1190 Vienna